Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Part 2 of my slave codes views - The constraints instituted by North Carolina for it's slaves - Tosin Onibiyo.

The slave-to-slave constraints instituted in the North Carolina Codes includes:

Section 29; “If any slave shall teach or attempt to teach, any other slave to read or write, the use of figures excepted, he or she may be carried before any justice of the peace, and on conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to receive thirty-nine lashes on his or her bare back.” 

Here, it shows the restriction between two slaves or more in the aspect of helping/teaching one another how to read or write. This code might be so for different reason: might be so the slaves don’t come together and rebel against their master, so they don’t try to escape or get too smart for their masters and for other reasons.

Section 37; Conspiracy of slaves.

“If any number of slaves shall at any time hereafter, consult, advise or conspire to rebel or make insurrection, or shall plot or conspire the murder of any person, or persons whatsoever, every such consulting, plotting or conspiring, shall be adjudged and deemed felony, and the slave or slaves convicted thereof in the manner prescribed by law, shall suffer death or be transported, as hereinafter provided.’’ 

To my understanding, slaves shall not come together to conspire to rebel against any person(s). And if done, they shall be put to death or transported.

Section 81 through 85 also focused on how free blacks/negroes not allowed to associate whatsoever with slaves

...free black not allowed to “entertain any slave in his house during Sundays or in the night between sunset and sunrise”

83. “If any free negro or mulatto, shall entertain any slave in his or her house during the sab-bath, or in the night between sun set and run-rise, he or she shall, for entertaining such slave, be subject to a fine of two dollars for the first offence, and four dollars for every subsequent offence, to be recovered on conviction before any one justice of the peace, and applied to the use of the poor of the county in which the offence shall be committed, saving to the party the right of appealing.

Section 38,39,40 and 41 discusses in case slaves rebels amongst each other and the consequences of death or transportation “awarded’’ to such slave(s).

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